International Conference On Customs And Tax Cooperation - Day 2

International Conference On Customs And Tax Cooperation - Day 2
“Enhanching The Exchanging of Information Between Customs and Tax Authority to Improve Compliance”

The change in business activities causes by globalization as well as the rapid advancement of information and communication technology creates a challenge for customs and tax authorities in facilitating trade and compliance. Hence, cooperation between the two authorities is essential to optimize state revenues and improve user compliance. The Customs and Excise Education and Training Center as the Indonesia World Customs Organization Regional Training Center Asia Pacific will hold a virtual "International Conference On Customs And Tax Cooperation" from the 8th to 9th February 2022. Speakers from the OECD, WCO, DGCE, DGT, and several customs and tax experts from other countries would present and discuss the best cooperation strategy to tackle the issues.
The English-Indonesian translator will be available.
Please register via the link
Live streaming on YouTube Pusdiklat Bea dan Cukai
on 9 February 2022 at 09.00 AM (UTC+7)

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